【讲座通知】5月9日讲座通知:Smart Logistics for Railway

  • 人工智能学院
  • 日期:2024-05-07
  • 1920

    讲座题目:Smart Logistics for Railway Transportation



    讲座专家:Javier Finat教授(西班牙巴亚多利德大学)

    专家简介:Javier Finat教授长期从事移动机器人计算机视觉及SLAM等相关理论研究。Javier Finat教授是一名在微分拓扑学领域有深厚造诣的数学家,欧洲七年科研资助框架——“欧洲地平线”(Horizon Europe)资深评审专家、西班牙巴亚多利德大学(University of Valladolid)终身教授、巴亚多利德大学科学中心MoBiVAP实验室主任。

    Born in Valladolid in 1952. Degree in Mathematics in 1974. Assistant Professor in Polytechnical Engineering School along 1974-79, and Faculty of Sciences from 1979. Doctor in Mathematics in 1983. Lecturer from 1985. Initiall expertise in Pure Mathematics (Algebraic Geometry and Differential Topology). Master in Economic Theory in 1995. Professor in the High Schools of Engineering Informatics from 1996. Main interest areas: Computational Geometry and Kinematics, and their applications to Information Systems, Computer Vision, Robotics and Computer Graphics. Research director of the MoBiVAP (Modelling, Biomechanics, Advanced Visualization and Parallelism), which was awarded as the most relevant RTD group in the region in 2013. After my official retirement, the group disappeared. More than 50 papers and responsible or participant in more than 30 RTD large projects. Evaluator and member of EU expertise committees for scientific and technological areas in FP6 and FP7 till 2016. Currently I am an honorific collaborator of the University of Valladolid (Spain). Main contributions to the collaboration with the Popular Republic of China: promotion of agreements with the SIAT (Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology) signed in April 2020, and with the ANSO network (approved in November 2023). My activities have been focused towards some issues of Automatic Navigation of Autonomous Vehicles in collaboration with some colleagues of the GIAT (Guangzhou Inst.) and more recently, the Technological University of Guangzhou.

